Paul Macphail

Art House 11
Address: 54 Regent Street
Open: 7/8 and 14/15 September

Photographic images taken on Portobello Beach of found objects using perspective to create a surreal space. All images are shot on iPhone.

Using found objects from Portobello beach to create “sculpture” simplicity and calmness. These objects could be anything, perhaps nails left from a bonfire, lost gloves or cast feathers, seaweed or wood from winter storms. The process of only using what you find and allowing that to form itself. The lack of responsibility of the work and transient nature allows a freedom to the images, if the objects or sculptures have no meaning then it does this not matter, they will be taken by the next tide. An interest in the simplicity of sculptural form i.e. Hepworth, Serra and Brancusi are sometimes an influence in the images as are the surrealist artists.


1984–1985 Napier BIPP in Photography
Exhibitio,n Pier Arts Centre – 2019
Film for Apple – 2020

Instagram: @paulmacphail
