Pallavi Devkota

Venue 1 (Art in Shops)
Address: Printworks, 2 Kings Road
Open: 7/8 and 14/15 September

As an outcome of the artist’s recent residency, a suite of cyanotype blueprints was created that reconfigures the jigsaw-style floor plans from George Watson’s College archives. This series envisions the institutional space as a fluid and shifting set of signs that can be reimagined and rerouted. By incorporating images from the found print blocks, the series explores how economic undercurrents shape social relations.

Pallavi Devkota is an Edinburgh-based artist, working conceptually across print and digital mediums. Dialectics between the outside and inside, sovereignty and heterogeneity, are themes that drive her practice.

The mediation of border spaces, both micro and macro, has been a particular zone of focus for the artist. This interest is rooted in the formative experience of immigrating from Nepal to England, which exposed her to the reality of borders not as static entities but as a series of tangled bureaucratic, cultural, and linguistic mechanisms that one undergoes and negotiates: a never-ending process of becoming and unbecoming.

Pallavi obtained her undergraduate degree in Fine Art Printmaking from the University of Brighton in 2022. She served as an Artist in Residence at Leith School of Art from 2022 to 2023 and later held the position of Exhibitions Coordinator from February 2023 to February 2024. In 2020, she completed the Gildengate House Residency at Outpost Studios, where she held her solo show in 2021. Her works have been featured in group exhibitions across the UK.

