Matt Vale

Art House 5
Address: 5/3 Brighton Place
Open: 7/8 September

Paintings, collages and prints of real and imagined landscapes, delving into our connections with the environment.

Matt makes paintings, collages, screen-prints and sculptures of real and imagined landscapes, probing our connections with the environment which has many connections to the theme of this year’s Art Walk. Maps, geographical and geological illustrations form a cornerstone of his artistic approach. By infusing his work with elements of cartography and geology, he delves into the interplay between human perception and nature, exploring how we conceive and navigate space. Aerial photography offers a lens to examine our surroundings. He is intrigued by the capacity of humans to imprint emotional states onto landscapes, and how altering perspectives can prompt reflection on how we perceive, survey landscapes. In his art he challenges distinctions between high and low culture, utilising collage and comic art, encouraging viewers to reconsider these boundaries. By melding the visual languages of graphic art and fine art, he aims to disrupt narratives around the Scottish landscape.

Matt studied at Edinburgh College of Art BA (hons) Drawing & Painting.

Group/solo exhibitions include The Arches, The Factory, East Campbell Street WASPS, Aspect Painting Prize (Glasgow), Total Kunst, Patriothall WASPS, Traverse Theatre (Edinburgh) and The Roxy. 

He is a member of Edinburgh Printmakers and formed ‘Minty Rae’ a family screen printing business producing t-shirts and prints. He has worked with Craigmillar Book Trust working with primary school communities to produce illustrations for a book inspired by ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sendak.

7 & 8 September, 1pm
Printmaking Workshop – Drop-in


Instagram: @m2thv
