J. A. Sutherland

Venue 24 (Art in Shops)
Portobello Light Box, top of Bellfield Street

Small-scale photography/poetry inspired by the 26 Collective combining sequences of photographed shopping trolleys during the 2020 lockdown, each with a short study comprising exactly 62 words, known as a ‘sestrude’.

J. A. Sutherland is a multi-disciplinary artist who combines writing and poetry with other art forms such as photography, spoken-word performance, film and projections, dance, and choral music. Small-scale work includes hand-made pamphlets and art-books; larger-scale exhibitions combine printed words and accompanying photographs; full-scale projects comprise collaborations with other artists, performers, and musicians, often as one-off performance/exhibition events. Besides this, Sutherland writes scripts, reviews film and theatre, runs literary events, and writes blogs and a diary.

Instagram: @j.a.suth

Web: throughtheturretwindow.blogspot.co.uk