Stool to Stool

Murray Morrant


Location: Art Walk Hub, 189 Portobello High Street

Murray’s ongoing exploration of the built environment and subterranean infrastructure landscapes examines the intricate relationship between the individual and the collective, and its impact on our consumption and waste. 

By connecting Portobello’s industrial past sanitary ware manufacturing with the present-day wastewater treatment plant in Seafield, Murray takes a playful approach to expose the hidden infrastructures that supports our daily lives and envisions the possible future trajectory that lie ahead. 

Through collective casting workshops on the beach in Portobello to produce transient vessels, and mixed media investigations, Murray will explore the dynamic interplay between architecture, human nature, and ever-changing landscapes.

Murray Morrant Based in Glasgow, Murray’s work is influenced by his interest in architecture and the built environment. Through a narrative-based approach, his work often takes an anthropological approach, exploring the human desire to shape and reshape landscapes into territories over time. The idea of environments being in constant flux is a common theme throughout his creative practice.

Murray studied architecture at the Glasgow School of Art, graduating in 2021. His work, ‘Against Aseptic Corporeality,’ which reimagines a gallery for wastewater, has been exhibited in the Desired Spaces Exhibition (2020) and featured in Koozarch magazine. Murray has since worked for architecture studios in Denmark, London, and Glasgow.

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